Dr. Nathalia Baptista Dias
Associate researcher
Master’s degree (2012) and PhD (2016) in Biological Sciences (Cell and Molecular Biology) by UNESP-Rio Claro / SP (Brasil). Post-Doctorate in the Laboratory of Structural Biology and Zooquímica (LBEZ) of UNESP (Brasil). She has experience in the field of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology, with emphasis on the study of macromolecules, proteomic and peptidomic analysis, and metabolomics, working mainly in the following subjects: natural products, animal and vegetal toxins, biologically active peptides, two-dimensional electrophoresis, peptide enrichment, post-translational modifications and mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-ToF, LCMS-IT- ToF, LCMS-Q-ToF and Amazon ETD).
Research lines
Búsqueda de péptidos biológicamente activos
Identificación de microorganismos por MALDI-TOF
Identificación de proteínas por espectrometría