Dr. Claudia Andrade Diaz
Associate researcher
Dr. Claudia Andrade is Research Assistant Professor at the Instituto de la Patagonia, University of Magallanes. She got her PhD/Dr. rer. nat. degree at University of Bremen, Germany in August 2016.
During her PhD research, supervised by Prof. Dr. Thomas Brey, at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine research, she developed investigation about trophic structures and energy flows in marine benthic communities as different approaches for a more integrative understanding of Sub-Polar and Polar ecosystem functioning.
Dr. Andrade also holds a B.Sc. in Biology and Chemistry, a Licentiate degree in Biological Sciences and a M.Sc. in Management and Conservation of the sub-Antarctic natural resources, University of Magallanes. Her primary research focuses on biological interactions (prey-predator) and later she combines multiple approaches of trophic ecology studies (laboratory experiments, stomach content analysis, stable isotopes). Claudia is also broadly interested in functional ecology, role of marine organisms, biological traits, ecological processes such as secondary production and coastal productivity, effects of environmental stressors on functional biodiversity, dynamic of populations, and food webs.
Research lines
Marine Ecology
Ecosystem Function
Biological Interactions
Secondary Production
Biological Productivity
Trophic Structure
Stable Isotopes
Food Webs
Management of Natural Marine Resources Sub-Antarctic, and Antarctic.