Kurt Montolla
I was born in Chile in 1998 in the city of Antofagasta I grew up in this city and after that I moved to Vallenar city in Chile, where I studied elementary school at the Colegio Cristiano Bethel and completed my high school at the Liceo San Francisco in 2016, later in 2018, I went to study the biochemical career at the Universidad de Antofagasta and in the present year 2019 I am studying the fourth semester.
As part of my academic activities, in addition to my undergraduate degree, I have participated in the National Association of Biochemists (ANEB) as a member and attended two consecutive years at the congresses organized by it.
I am currently part of the Research Seed Project: “Identification and applications of biochemical compounds of microorganisms from the Atacama Desert” in the Biochemistry laboratory at the University of Antofagasta where I have worked mainly with cyanobacteria.
Research lines