Dr. Fumito Maruyama
International collaborator
Dr. Maruyama is graduated from Osaka University (Japan) with formation in the fields of microbial ecology and environmental microbiology. Currently, Dr. Maruyama act as a full professor at the section of Microbial Genomics and Ecology, department of Office of Academic Research and Industry-Government Collaboration, Hiroshima University, Japan, as well as an ad honorem professor in La Frontera University. The main objective of the ad honorem professor work is to contribute to our knowledge on algae- associated microbiome, especially pathogen (microorganism carrying virulence factors to fish, human and other animals, and antibiotic resistance genes), present in Chilean aquatic and air ecosystems (river, marine, etc) and pristine ecosystems (Atacama Desert, Andes mountains, Patagonia and Antarctic). The research activities are mainly focused
i) to elucidate the role of microbial communities in algal bloom and their interaction on algal bloom
ii) to decipher the genomic and metagenomics diversity and dynamics of microorganisms in Chilean aquatic ecosystems and pristine ecosystems affected by climate and anthropogenic-induced changes
iii) to characterize the genetic- and biochemical mechanisms involved in the microbial interactions and their living environments
iv) to develop identification of the pathogen, prevention and prediction of algal bloom to manage sustainable aquaculture strategies based on genetic and metabolic potential of microorganisms in their natural habitat. The projects and researches are characterized by using a wide variety of omics
techniques, such as realtime (digital) PCR, microfluidic devices, high throughput sequencing (Illumina and Oxford Nanopore platforms). As results of these researches, diverse native isolates associated to algae have been collected and selected either from aquatic ecosystem and pristine ecosystems and used to develop microbial consortia to regulate the microbial ecosystem (mainly to control algal bloom) under microcosms and field conditions. During his career, the Dr. Maruyama have also acquired academic experience as responsible of courses (Bioinformatics, Environmental and Applied Microbiology, and Infectious diseases) as well as training and supervision of under-graduate and post- graduate students.
Research lines
- Environmental Microbiology
- Microbial Ecology
- Microbial Genomics
- Pathogen dynamics in the natural and built environments