Dr. Lutz Weihermüller
International collaborator
PD Dr. Lutz Weihermüller has a background in soil physics and numerical simulation of water, matter, and crop growth. He worked on different topics ranging from the estimation of soil hydraulic parameters from various geophysical measurements, analyzing the fate of pesticides in laboratory and field studies, analyzing the effect of different soil amendments on pesticide fate to crop growth simulations for different crops and climates. Lutz Weihermüller was principle investigator in different multidisciplinary projects, namely the excellence cluster CROPSENE.net funded by the German BMBF, the Collaborative Research Center TR32 funded by the German DFG, and the EU project JPI FACCE MACSUR dealing with sustainable crop production in Europe. Currently, he associate PI in the Excellence cluster Phenorob of the University Bonn and the Helmholtz activity HiCam. At the Institute of Biogeosciences at the Forschungszentrum Jülich (IBG-3) he is responsible for the soil physical laboratories and teaches at the Ruhr University Bochum and the University Bonn, Germany. Throughout his research career she developed various international cooperation’s for example with the WSL in Switzerland, The Institute of Agrophysics in Poland, University of Florida in Orlando in the USA, or the University La Fontera in Chile.
Research lines
Numerical modelling of water
Carbon turnover
Crop growth
Soil science: Basic soil physics
Hydrogeophysics (ERT, EMI, GPR, and radiometry)
Pesticide fate