Dr. Nelson Lima
International collaborator
Nelson Lima got his PhD in Engineering Sciences (Biotechnology) by University of Minho (Braga, Portugal) and in 2004 he was appointed Full Professor of University of Minho. Since 1996 he is the head of Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM) fungal culture collection and he was the President of ECCO/European Culture Collections’ Organisation from 2013-2019. Previously he served, as Collection Officer the ECCO Board, and then the World Federation of Culture Collection Executive Board. He is Invited Professor in different Brazilian Universities and at Milan-Bicocca University in Italy. In 2016, he was granted with “Professor Honoris Causa” title by University Federal of Pernambuco (UFPE, Recife, Brazil). Nelson Lima is the coordinator of IS_MIRRI21 European project, since he is also the responsible to host the MIRRI statutory seat in Portugal (UMinho) and he is one of leaders of the Portuguese Microbiological Resource Centre Network. He has long experience has international evaluator of diverse international funding agencies, reviewer in outstanding scientific journal (where has been also associate editor), in led and be partner of several European, Brazilian and other International research projects, as well as participating in working groups from OECD, FAO, EU, etc. So far, he was mentor of 17 post-doc researchers, supervised 24 PhD and 31 MSc theses. Currently he supervises 5 PhD thesis and 2 Master Thesis. He published more than 350 publications and presented more than 550 conferences and communications
Research lines
Environmental and food mycology
Fungal identification/classification
Fungal long-term preservation and Culture Collections
Environmental Education