Ph.D (c) Andrés Santos
Ph.D Candidate
My Scientific Interests are related with the scope of microbiology with emphasis in bacterial diversity and bioprospection of bacterial metabolites, I have been working in research since my last two year as undergraduate student (2015). Most of my knowledge and skills are in microbiology, enzymology and molecular biology specifically studying bacterial strains of extreme environments. However, since I started my PhD thesis I have combined all these skills and experience with sequencing and bioinformatics to get a more comprehensive understanding of these interesting environments. Currently I am interested in studying microbial taxonomic and functional diversity using third generation sequencing technologies (Nanopore and PacBio).
I have been working with samples from different extreme environments such as El Tatio, Antarctic, dead-zones sediments, among others. With these samples I have had the possibility of carrying out the process of DNA extraction, sequencing and bioinformatics analyses.
Under my appreciation we are in the beginning of a new sequencing generation which can give us new valuable insights on microbial diversity studies. In addition, since there are novel sequencing technologies such as Nanopore sequencing I am very interested in to evaluate what can these new technologies offer us in microbial diversity. Therefore, I would like to continue working in this research area and generate proposals using new sequencing technologies in microbial diversity studies on extreme environments.
Research lines