Ph.D (c) Kattia Núñez
Ph.D Candidate
MSc. Núñez is a Biotechnology Engineer graduated from the Costa Rican Institute of Technology and PhD student at La Frontera University (Chile) in Cellular and Molecular Applied Biology Program. Currently, Núñez is part of the Applied Molecular Biology Laboratory (LBMA), from the Center of Excellence in Traslational Medicine. Her research project aims to study the antimicrobial metabolites produced by Antarctic bacteria based on metabolomics and genomics approaches, as well as to characterize molecular adaptative mechanisms of these microorganisms through comparative genomics. MSc. Núñez have also participate as responsible of courses (Microbiology and Bacteriology) as well as supervisor of under-graduate students.
Doctoral Thesis: Genomic and metabolomic characterization of Antarctic actinobacteria for antibiotic molecules discovery and determination of its role in extreme environment adaptation.
Research lines
Molecular Biology