Dr. Graça S. Carvalho
International collaborator
Graça S. Carvalho is Full Professor of the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, and Director of the Research Centre on Child Studies (CIEC) of the same University. She has developed postgraduate research training in Biology Education, Child Health, Health Education and Health Promotion. In addition to national projects, she has participated in 18 international projects and was the general coordinator of the European project on “Biology, Health and Environmental Education for better Citizenship” (STREP-FP6 CIT2-CT2004-506015) including 19 countries. In Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East. More recently, she has been the coordinator, at national level, of two European projects: “Promoting healthy eating and physical activity in local communities” (HEPCOM: European Commission Health Programme, Contract nº 20121204; 2013-2018); and “Co-Creation: a method to develop sustainable welfare solutions” (Co-Creation Welfare; Erasmus+ KA202-2016-12; 2016-2019). She has developed intense research with several research groups in Brazil, especially in the States of “Minas Gerais”, “Paraná” and “Rio Grande do Sul”. She has supervised 22 doctoral theses and is currently supervising 12 PhD thesis. She has 503 publications, including 136 full papers in scientific journals, 86 chapters in books and 190 papers in proceeding books. She is a member of panels of evaluation of academic promotion (France, Greece, Cyprus), research centres (France) and research projects (Germany, Romania and Israel). In 2017 she was awarded the honorary degree of “Doctor Honoris Causa” by the University of Lyon 1, France, and in 2019 the “Women in Science” by the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education.
Research lines
- Biology education
- Health education and health promotion