BIOREN-NEXER researchers’ participation on "Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit" conference

The “Plant Biology 2020 Worldwide Summit” conference was held from July 27 to 31 online. In this opportunity, researchers from all over the world met to present their research related to plant biological sciences, in order to promote and expand the traditional limits of communication and collaboration networks, making this material available to the entire plant science community of the world. In the conference program were world-renowned speakers, virtual posters, workshops, social activities, among others.
In this opportunity, the Network for Extreme Environment Research (NEXER), the Scientific and Technological Bioresources Nucleus (BIOREN) and Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) were on this great event, presenting a total of 5 works virtually. BIOREN researchers shown studies sponsored by NEXER NXR17-0002 project.
On this event Dr. León Bravo, director of NEXER NXR17-0002 and associated researcher of BIOREN, presented at the meeting in the poster section, his works are entitled “Lack of nocturnal warming explains the effect of in situ warming by OTC on freezing tolerance of Antarctic vascular plants”, also with Humberto Gajardo they presented “Characterization of the trade-off between stress tolerance and photosynthetix capacity in three Prosopis species co-inhabiting the Atacama Desert”, in addition with Olman Gómez Espinoza “Is alarm Photosynthesis the calcium oxalate crystals decomposition in Colobanthus quitensis Antarctic plant?” besides with Dariel López the poster entitled “Temperature increase effect on freezing tolerance and cryoprotective mechanisms of Deschampsia antarctica (Poaceae)” and with Ana Luengo their research entitled “Anti-proliferative effect of Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) and Deschampsia antarctica Desv extracts on gastrointestinal cancer cells lines”.
In order to make opportunities to establish contact between researchers and to generate instances of debate, “Plant Biology 2020” highlights the importance of maintaining these networks, as the world recovers from this current pandemic and manages to generate a path towards a more sustainable and inclusive society in which is imperative every current actor involved have a prominent role.
We congratulate the researchers who presented at this great event, also for their daily work, dedication and contribution to the scientific world of bioresources.
Wrote and edited by:
Bq. Francisca Gómez – Bq. María Javiera guarda
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