Dr. Cledir Santos
Associate researcher
Dr. Cledir Santos is chemist and PhD in chemistry. He is Professor at the Department of Chemical Sciences and Natural Resources, Universidad de La Frontera-UFRO (Temuco, Chile). His main research field is on the chemistry and biotechnology of fungi, with focus on primary and secondary fungal metabolites and on the impact of ex situ preservation on the biotechnological potential of filamentous fungi. Dr. Santos has supervised or co-supervised more than 20 postgraduate thesis and in the last 5 years has been PI of 6 and Co-I in 12 research projects evaluated by peer reviewers. He has authored more than 65 indexed articles / book chapters, mainly on the subject of chemistry of fungi. He was founder and director of the Chilean Collection of Type Crops-CCST / UFRO (2015-2019). He is Coordinator of International Cooperation of the BIOREN-UFRO Scientific and Technological Nucleus in Bioresources and Member of the Executive Board of both the World Federation of Culture Collections and the Latin American Federation of Culture Collections. Dr. Santos is a permanent professor member of both Brazilian postgraduate programs: Agricultural Microbiology of the Federal University of Lavras, rated “Excellent” by CAPES-Brazil, and Biology of Fungi of the Federal University of Pernambuco. In addition, he is an Integrated Member of the Centre of Biological Engineering of the University of Minho (Portugal), evaluated at a European level as “Excellent”. Dr. Santos is the Contact Person in Chile for the European Infrastructure MIRRI-ERIC Microbial Resource Research Infrastructure.
Research lines
- Chemistry and biotechnology of fungi
- Primary and secondary fungal metabolites
- Impact of ex situ preservation on the biotechnological potential of filamentous fungi