Research projects directed by NEXER associated scientists

2020-2023. Feeding rivers and lakes: source and fate of land based salmon aquaculture waste water in Southern Chile (Lake Villarrica watershed). FONDECYT REGULAR 1200205.
Co-Researcher: Dr. Chris Harrod
2020. Identificación molecular de SARS-CoV-2 y otros virus respiratorios de mayor incidencia en Chile, empleando Secuenciación Metagenómica por la Tecnología de Nanoporo. COVID-19 PROJECT-CHILE.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Alexandra Galetovic
2020–2023. Integrated geochemical and microbiological assessment of dust and soil in industrial settings of Chile: Characterization of baseline conditions and analysis of contaminant mobility in highly contrasting environments. FONDECYT REGULAR 1200390.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Jorge Valdes.
Co-researcher: Dr. Paris Lavin
2020-2022. HUB SmartFruit-ALC: soluciones inteligentes para sistemas familiares frutícolas ALC, en el escenario de cambio climático. FONTAGRO 19AgTech056 CONVOCATORIA AGTECH 2019.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Alejandra Ribera
2020. Programa de Formación en Fruticultura: adaptación al cambio climático, sustentabilidad productiva e inocuidad alimentaria para el sector frutícola del Sur. CORFO 19PFC-122237.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Alejandra Ribera
2020-2024. Synergistic impact of silicon uptake and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) tolerance to water deficit stress: an innovative insight for improving yield and nutritional quality of grains under a drought scenario. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201257.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Paula Cartes Indo
Co-researcher: Dra. Alejandra Ribera
2020. Endophytic and epiphytic bacterial communities associated with bladed Bangiales, do host species identity matters more than habitat and season?. FONDECYT POSTDOCTORAL 3200728.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Fernanda Cid
2020 – 2024. Seeds as reservoirs and carriers of plant growth-promoting bacteria for Chilean agriculture. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201386.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Milko Jorquera
2020-2024. Spatial-temporal patterns of bacterial communities in sediments of Villarrica and Baiyangdian lakes and their potential as environmental and public health indicators in water resources management policies for southern Chilean and northern Chinese lakes. NSFC190012.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Milko Jorquera
2020–2024. Smart nitrogen fertilizer to face climate change and food security. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201375.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Marcela Calabi Floody
2020–2024. Using the natural host-mediated microbiome selection to overcome soil-borne pathogens. Towards the new generation of bioinoculants. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201196.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Paola Durán
2020–2023. Designing a continuous process for remediation of water contaminated with chlorinated compounds using iron oxide-hydrochar composite. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201865.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Mara Cea
2020–2024. Molecular and physiological framework to understand the impact of Antarctic regional warming on reproductive growth of vascular plant species Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis. FONDECYT REGULAR 1201824.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. León Aloys Bravo Ramírez
2020. Assessing the role of climate-driven, ocean-atmosphere interactions in modulating the atmosphere’s interhemispheric radiocarbon offset during the past 5600 years. FONDECYT REGULAR.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Ricardo De-Pol Holz
2020. Arqueología y ambiente: interacción cultural en Fuego-Patagonia durante los ultimo milenios. ECOS/ANID- C19H02.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Jimena Torres

2019-2023. From the Holocene to the Anthropocene: Reconstructing shifting paleoecological baselines using shell middens from northern Chile. FONDECYT REGULAR 1191568.
Co-Researcher: Dr. Chris Harrod
2019. Estrategias de explotación de camélidos y cambio climático en la Puna de Atacama durante el Holoceno tardío: el aporte del análisis isotópico secuencial. FONDECYT POSTDOCTORAL 3190566
Sponsor: Dr. Chris Harrod
2019. Caracterización de los roles de absorción química versus ingesta biológica de metales pesados en especies de una cuenca de un río altamente contaminado. FONDECYT POSTDOCTORAL 3190786
Sponsor: Dr. Chris Harrod
2019 – 2023. Using stable isotope values of pre-historical (shell midden) and contemporary marine consumers to characterise change and the relative role of natural and anthropogenic disturbance in coastal food webs over 13 000 years. FONDECYT REGULAR 1191452.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Chris Harrod
2019 – 2022. Living on the Edge: how do Australian plants cope with extreme temperature?. ARC/Linkage LP180100942 Australian Research Council.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Adriene Nicotra.
2019 – 2021. Nocturnal in situ warming: Filling the gaps to unravel plant responses to regional warming of Antarctic Peninsula. INACH RT 18_18.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. León A. Bravo
2019-2023. Enzymatic white rot fungi whole cell bioreactor pretreatment as a fundamental stage of a biorefinery of two phase olive mill solid waste to produce biogas and a potential biofertilizer. FONDECYT REGULAR 1191230.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Gustavo Ciudad
2019-2021. Desarrollo y Fortalecimiento de la Docencia, Investigación y Vinculación en Mejoramiento Genético y Biotecnología Vegetal en la Universidad de La Frontera, con Énfasis en Especies Frutales. PAI-CONICYT 77190085.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Alejandra Ribera
2019. ForCARe -Forest Carbon Associative Research: Quantifying the effect of forest use intensification on soil carbon stabilization processes.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Felipe Aburto
Co-Researchers: Dr. Francisco Matus – Dra. Carolina Merino
2019. Modelo innovativo de producción científica en el contexto antártico y subantártico. Convenio de desempeño apoyo innovación en educación superior. Ministerio de Educación. Proyecto MIAS – UMAG MAG19101. Proyecto a cargo de la Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Postgrado.
Coordinador linea Poblamiento humano: Dr. Victor Sierpe

2018 – 2020. Abiotic and biotic oxidation of organic matter mediated by iron and manganese reduction in humid temperate rainforest soils. FONDECYT INICIACIÓN 11180521.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Carolina Merino.
2018 – 2020. Exploring the role of fungi in the dispersion of rhizobacteria in pastures established in Chilean Patagonia. CONICYT- MEC 80180048.
Co- Researchers: Dr. Sergio Radic & Dra. Jacqueline Acuña
2018 – 2021. Búsqueda de metabolitos secundarios producidos por hongos antárticos y su efecto antagónico ante Gaeumannonyces Graminis como modelo de patógenos de suelo. INACH RT 06-17.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Paola Durán
2018 DFG – Fire-Induced Redistribution and Losses of Elements in the Weathering Zone.
Chilean Collaborators: Dr. Francisco Matus & Dra. Carolina Merino
2018 DFG – Deep EarthShape Geomicrobiology: Iron-metabolizing bacteria as a driving force in the weathering of silicate minerals.
Chilean Collaborators: Dr. Francisco Matus & Dra. Carolina Merino
2019 – 2023 Archipiélago Fueguino, interacciones dinámicas entre cultura, sociedad y ambiente para los últimos 2000 años en la Finis Terrae.
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Flavia Morello
2018 – 2022. Comparación del registro arqueológico y paleoecológico de Última Esperanza y Pali Aike a fines del Pleistoceno: su significado para entender los procesos de inserción humana en Patagonia Meridional. FONDECYT 1080272
Responsible Researcher: Dra. Flavia Morello

2017 – 2020. Is nitrosation an important mechanism of organic nitrogen sequestration in temperate rainforest soils? A comparison between Andean and coastal mountains in southern-central Chile. FONDECYT REGULAR 1170119.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Francisco Matus.
2017 – 2020. Efecto de los ciclos de descongelación-congelación sobre el secuestro de carbono a lo largo de gradientes de desarrollo del suelo formados por el retroceso de los glaciares en la Antártida marítima, Isla Rey Jorge.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Francisco Matus.
2017 – 2019. Acquisition of Sanger’s sequencer for bioprospecting of organisms from Chilean extreme environments. CONICYT-FONDEQUIP, code EQM170171.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Milko Jorquera.
2017 – 2020. Assessment of carbon greenhouse gas emissions from Patagonian inland waters affected by beaver impoundments. FONDECYT INICIACIÓN 11170134 .
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Armando Sepúlveda.
2017 – 2019. Effect of warming on leaf hydraulic properties of Antarctic plant. INACH, RT-13-16.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Patricia Sáez.
2017 – 2018. Are Svalbard plants prepared for the climatic change? Svalbard Environmental Fund Protection (Norway) ref 16/65.
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Jorge Gago.