Dr. León A. Bravo Ramírez
Associate researcher
He was born in Curicó city, he completed his undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Chile, obtained his doctoral degree in 1997, he worked as an academic of the Department of Botany of the University of Concepción (1995 to 2010), where he achieved the full professor status. In 2010 he was hired in the Department of Cs. Agronomics and Rec. Naturals of the University of La Frontera. His research group in Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology studies the plant’s responses to abiotic stress (temperature, excess light, water deficit and salinity) on wild and cultivated plants. He has experience in extremophytes such as Antarctic plants, desert and high mountain plants. He has taught undergraduate and graduate students, He has participated as thesis advisor in 5 accredited doctoral programs throughout his career. Conducts research funded through external research funds from various national programmes (Fondecyt, INACH, PIA-Conicyt, Innova-BioBio, Corfo). To date, it has 83 publications in ISI-WOS journals, three book chapters and a vast number of presentations at conferences. He’s been president of the Chilean Botanical Soc. (2005-2006) and he was president of the National Committee for Antarctic Research (CNIA), in addition, representative of Chile to SCAR (Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research) 2008-2012.
Research lines
Plant Stress Ecophysiology.
Low temperature Stress in Plants.
Photoprotection and Photoinhibition.