Dr. María de La Luz Mora Gil
Associate researcher
Dra. María de la Luz Mora heads an interdisciplinary research group (Plant Soil interaction and plant biotechnology, Center) centered on Physicochemistry of Soil and Environment, Soil-Plant Interaction and Plant Nutrition, Plant Physiology and Biotechnology, contributing significantly to plant production especially in cereals, meat and milk in the South of the country. Dr. Mora is author and coauthor of more than 50 scientific publications in the last 5 years, highlighting by an important contribution of international researchers and doctorate students as well as post doctorates. In addition, she has generated and participated in several International Cooperation Programs with Research Centers of excellence. She is the Director of the Scientific and Technological Bioresources Nucleus created by Universidad de La Frontera in 2009. During her career as Researcher she has directed innumerable projects FONDECYT and she has participated as Co-researcher in many others. She was the Director of the Doctorate Program in Sciences of Natural Resources and she also has advised about ten doctor graduates. Nowadays she is working in a new project for to improve phosphorus efficiency use and aluminum detoxification on pastures growing in acid volcanic soils throughout biotechnological tools and participating as Co-researcher in different projects related to environmental factors of the South of Chile that regulate growth and quality of blueberries. In addition, she works as a researcher in physiology and plant biochemistry area, specifically antioxidant in plants. Other important line is the use of nanoclays as support of microorganisms and enzymes for different technological applications. In her laboratory, Dr. Mora has the equipments (instrumentation) as well as the required methodological implementation for the performance of the objectives of the propose research.
Research lines
Environment and Soil Physicochemistry
Soil-Pant Interactions, Rizosphere and Plant Nutrition
Soil fertility and Mineral Nutrition