Dr. Armando Sepúlveda Jáuregui
Associate researcher
I got my Eng. in Biochemical Engineering focused in suitable waste management from a regional park at the Tecnológico Nacional de México-Celaya (2001-2006). Then, I did my graduate studies of MSc (2006-2008) and PhD (2009-2012) at the Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados (Cinvestav) focused in bioprocesses related of greenhouse gas emission from lakes located at the lowland and highland Tropics (México), Arctic, and Subarctic (Alaska) latitude. Then, I did three postdoctoral research in Alaska (University of Alaska Fairbanks), Germany (IGB Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei) and Chile (Universidad de Magallanes), focused in carbon biogeochemistry processes in freshwater and soil ecosystems located at different latitude in the Arctic and Subarctic (Alaska, Siberia), Temperate (Germany), Subantarctic and Antarctic (Chile). Currently, I am research at the University of Magallanes, and adjoint research of the Center for Climate and Resilience Research (CR)2.
Research lines
My main research lies with the carbon biogeochemistry. Specifically, in the physical and biological processes related to the CH4 and CO2 dynamics in freshwater and soil ecosystems.