Dr. David Moreira
International Collaborator
David Moreira got his PhD in Biology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) in 1995 with a thesis on the diversity and genetics of acidophilic bacteria. After several post-doctoral stages in France (Orsay and Paris) and Spain (Alicante) working on the diversity and phylogeny of microbial eukaryotes, he got a permanent position as Research Scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in 2001. Since 2007, he is a CNRS Research Director in the Université Paris-Saclay in France. With Purificación López-García, he co-founded the Diversity, Ecology and Evolution of Microorganisms (DEEM) team (www.deemteam.fr/en/), where he develops his scientific activity focused on the study of microbial diversity and evolution using phylogenetics, comparative genomics, metabarcoding, metagenomics, and other molecular approaches. He has participated in numerous research projects funded by French (ANR, CNRS, INSU, etc.), European (ERC) and international (Moore-Simons Foundation) agencies. He is author of more than 200 scientific publications related to the microbial diversity of extreme environments, the reconstruction of the tree of life, the origin of eukaryotes, the origin of plastids, and other fields. All along his career, he has been interested in the study of extreme environments, including fieldwork in remote places, as a source of new microbial lineages with key phylogenetic position to reconstruct the tree of life and to understand early evolutionary events.
Research lines
- Phylogenetic reconstruction of the tree of life
- The origin of eukaryotes
- The origin of plastids
- Microbial diversity in extreme environments